
God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, His verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Married, married, married

MARRIED! Lovin' it so far.

Jeremy and I got married on June 11, 2011.

The day was definitely not how I planned, not at all how I planned: Hair piece fell off multiple times, makeover sucked, Father-Daughter dance's song was cut off half way through, no one could even hear Jeremy and I's first dance song, the coordinator was hovering me the entire day, and I was starving. But, what really matters is I got married to my best friend ;)

When we left the reception, I got all bent out of shape about how the sound/tech guy could be so retarded and not know how to work an iPod (not bitter at all...), but Jeremy kept reminding me that things are bound to stray away from what was planned. We were married and that was the only purpose; it also gives us stories to tell later on! After he cheered up my low spirits, we went to Red Lobster because we were both STARVING from having no food that day. We stayed at our apartment that night (on an air mattress with a hole in it - we woke up with out butts on the ground), and left for the beach the morning after!

The honeymoon was fantastic. The condo was incredibly nice, and we have a beautiful view of the beach and the pier! Sleeping on a real bed was a nice change from the night before and a wonderful feeling after a long road trip. By the end of the week, we were all tanned up and ready to head on back to our new HOME. :)

We both had so much fun opening up all the presents and organizing everything! We are both so grateful to have such amazing friends and family to spend our special day with.

We are now finally all set in, and we even have our real metal silverware rather than plastic ware! Very exciting.

We saw the new X-Men movie one night over the honeymoon week (VERY good!!!), and I have never seen the previous 3; so, he has been making me watch the older ones. We only have the third one left, but they are all very good so far! He's trying to get me off the chick-flick binge ;)

As for cooking, he has actually cooked for me more than I have cooked for him...I can't cook. I made dry chicken alfredo one night at the condo over the honeymoon, so I think he had to force it down him and fake that he liked it. He did have some leftovers the next day but he loaded it down with butter, haha. I am such a lame housewife. He made me french toast yesterday morning before my first day back at work. It was fantastic. He is also making me some Taco Bake tomorrow night on my night off from working the pharmacy! He is just so fantastic, love him to death.

Enough of my blabbering! Have a great week everyone.

xo Caroline WHITEHEAD

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So close to being Mrs. Whitehead!

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a little while. It's been a super busy past few weeks...very productive! Jeremy and I have 8 days to finish all the planning, cause on the 9th day, we will be getting married! AH! I am past the point of hating all this planning and just wanting to be married. I'm just so ready. We already ordered the flowers, got the baker for the cake all worked out, and even got our bedroom set for our apartment! What's left? Food, honeymoon, and programs. Not too much - very thankful for that! I only have four more days at Walmart Pharmacy until I get over a week off for the wedding and honeymoon! Absolutely crazy. My mind has been turning into jello at a steady rate since the engagement, and I tell Jeremy constantly for my stressful and forgetful mind ;) I'll tell you, planning a wedding can really test one couple's patience with each other. I feel especially bad for Jeremy - I am crazy 100% of the time and he is all "it will get done, no need to worry and stress about it." So as you can see, we differ on how we handle our stress. I wish I had his handle on things. We still have yet to decide on where we are going for our that is what is mainly causing my stress. I am already just so excited for the wedding week! My Bachelorette Party is this Saturday right after the Bridesmaids Luncheon. It is all getting to the "fun" point. After I got my dress, it went downhill and boring from there, haha. So I'm ready for some wedding fun ;) Jeremy and I are writing our vows together this Sunday, which I am actually nervous about. I am horrible with saying, in words, how I feel. I usually let my face tell my whole story, haha! Jeremy has always been great at saying whatever is on his mind. I just keep it this should be interesting. I'm also incredibly being in front of 300 people, half of which I don't even know, will be so nerve racking. I am just going to be staring at Jeremy the entire time though and at his super hot face ;) My rambling just continues to get exponentially worse each time I write on here. I'm terribly sorry...

xo Caro

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I just bought Jeremy's wedding band. So excited! Can't wait to be married to him. I don't think I have ever been so emotional in my entire life as I have been this past month. The realization of me getting married gets more and more bittersweet with each day. I get the marry such an encouraging man of the Lord, but I also have to leave my amazing family. I'm so ready. It just gets to me sometimes on top of the stress from planning the wedding. I have such little time to plan, and anytime I do have that's free, I definitely do not want to spend it doing writing down addresses and stressing over what cake to order. It was fun at first, but now I am just so ready for everything to be all planned and ready. Simple little decisions, like how to wear my hair, how to get my nails done, how tan I should be, ALL make me freak out on a huge scale. So needless to say, trying to decide on a place for us to live is not being handled well by me at all. I am way too indecisive for my own good. This probably needs to change...Random thoughts in my head.


Monday, April 25, 2011

We will keep our eyes on You.

Minds been trying to wrap my head around lots of things these past few days.

Getting married in 47 days.

Chatting with some middle school girls about relationships, and wishing they had a glimpse of the goodness that God will allow them to be a part of in the coming years.

Encouraged by a boy that above all else, loves Jesus.

Desiring to be different, and live for Him in relationships, life, and love.

Lord, help me these upcoming weeks. Give me strength and endurance. So blessed by Your glorious love.

God said, “My presence will go with you. I’ll see the journey to the end. Moses said, “If Your presence doesn't lead me here, call this trip off right now. How else will it be known that Your with me in this, with me and Your people? Are You traveling with us? God said to Moses, “All right. just as you say, this also I will do, for I know you and you are special to me. I know you by name. Exodus 33:14-17

Thursday, April 14, 2011

58 Days!!!

Jeremy and I will be married in 58 days. So crazy to think about that! So much has happened since the last post. We found an apartment. It's called Stanton Place, it's about 5 minutes from downtown Acworth. It's a super nice area and seems to be very safe which is always good! Jeremy will probably be moving in sometime in May. I also started working my pharmacy job 4 nights a week. It gets incredibly tiring after a full week of work, but it will be completely worth it by the pay date. ;) Jeremy has been busy with school and work, and I have been busy with my work; consequently, we rarely get to see each other apart from weekends and on Wednesday nights for Revolution. I would LOVE to see him much, much, much more...but we are both so busy. Can't wait til we get to see each other every single day.

We both went on a mission trip this last week to Charleston, SC with the middle school ministry. It was awesome to see all those middle schoolers work their beautiful hearts out all for God's glory. I had a group of amazing, crazy 6th graders - love each and every one of them. They made me laugh more than I ever have, haha. Jeremy had his usual small group of 8th grade guys, all so great. I think we learned just as much on this trip as the middle schoolers. My girls taught me so much about love this week, they are all so willing to give up their spring breaks to serve others...others that they have never even met. We all worked at a school, Orange Grove Elementary, and spread 75 tons of mulch, and huge amounts of pine straw and wood chips. We went door-to-door to hand out flyers for River Church's (a church that Westridge helped start a year ago) Easter service. It was such a great experience, and such a great way to get to know the group on an entirely different and deeper level.

I have my first wedding shower this weekend on the 17th, AKA my 20th BIRTHDAYYYY! Ahh, I'm beyond excited. Double special day. Denisa, Jeremy's mom, and all his aunts are throwing me a shower. It's going to be awesome. I'm too old...or will be in 3 days. I can't believe that I will be 20. No longer a weird!

Anyways, my thoughts and life.


Monday, March 21, 2011

82 Days.

I will be marrying Jeremy in 82 days. Absolutely insane in so many good ways. It's also a bittersweet situation...I went out for a run tonight and had to stop....not because of being tired...but because I started bawling, haha. The song I'm walking down the isle to in 82 days came on my ipod, and I jsut could not hold it in! I'm going to be such an emotional wreck these next 3 months. So grateful to have such an encouraging family that makes it THAT much harder to leave home. So blessed, and praising God in it all.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Sorry ahead of time for the horrible scatterbrained organization. I'm still getting used to this job, so it gets super tiring after a full day's work! On the topic of jobs...

I have my first full-time job!!! God is so faithful, it's just crazy. He provided for us, Jeremy and I, at the perfect time. Now all we have to do it continue saving and we will hopefully have our own place in the next few months!!! If we get our own place before we get married, Jeremy is going to be the one staying there and keeping up the place. I'm just so stinkin' excited. I love this job also, definitely helps with my communication skills - which I desperately need! I'm the most awkward person on the face of this planet. It's so sad, but this definitely helps me get over my problem of awkwardness. Thank goodness. I work at a place called Court Solutions LLC in Woodstock, GA. Basically, I answer phones and help people (from Arkansas) pay their tickets. It definitely tests my patience - and is very stressful at times having to just sit there while people yell at you even though they were the stupid ones who went 30 over the speed limit or drove drunk. Yeah. But, I do like it so far. This is just my third day, so hopefully it will just get easier and less stressful! I'm just so happy to have a job and provide for Jeremy and I's future marriage :)

Bonnie and I went to visit my lovely sister, Allison, and my cutest not-so-little baby nephew, Benaiah. They are living up in Virginia Beach while my brother-in-law, Max, is at law school. It was bunches of fun! We just hung out, watched chick flicks, and ate as much as we could. I got the chance to try the BEST frozen yogurt EVER, I mean ever. It's from Coldstone, and it's pink grapefruit flavor. YUM. I've been craving it ever since! We also got to see Mt. Trashmore, pretty funny name I know. It's a landfill, but it has an awesome playground. Perfect for lava tag, haha.

Sorry for the scattery set up! It's hard to think through everything perfectly after talking the entire day! Hope everyone has an amazing week!

xo Caroline

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's been a while...

It's been a pretty crazy and intense month and a half. The start of the year opened up with the Passion 2011 Conference (which was AMAZING). I'm already so excited and counting down the days for next year's conference. Jeremy, Haley, Bonnie, Bethany, Stephen, Tyler, and I all went and roomed in a single bedroom and single bathroom hotel room - absolutely insane. We barely got any sleep, and any sleep we did get was constantly interrupted with Tyler intense snoring. But the experience was absolutely amazing, and the convictions that were pressed onto our hearts were so eye-opening. Some of the speakers included Francis Chan, Louie Giglio, John Piper, Andy Stanley, and Beth Moore. We went to community/family groups which was also great - a good chance to share our lives with other college age students. We were given the opportunity to spill our hearts out and the others in the group would give encouraging and Godly advice. The experience definitely helped develop a closer relationship to God. Absolutely. Amazing.

I also started working the afternoons in the library at Walker, my old high school. I've been enjoying it, some days are definitely trying and trials of patience, but it is fun getting to know some of these middle schoolers. I also applied for some other jobs, so Lord willing, I will have a job within the next week or two! Pray!

As of today, it has been 9 months since Jeremy and I started dating. Also as of today, we only have 121 days of singleness with a non-marital status. :) So exciting! The wedding is gradually coming together. We have booked a church, made part of the programs for the ceremony, bought the invitations, organized most of the addresses to send out the invitations, designed what the centerpieces will look like, AND decided on the colors for the reception. I bought my going-away dress the other day! I made my mom hide it so I would not be tempted to wear it before then :) Seriously can't wait. Sometimes I get wrapped up in all the planning, though. I constantly remind myself that it is not the details of the wedding that matter, but more the fact that I am going to be marrying the love of my life all for God's glory. I know that He is going to use us greatly in our years as one - so expectant of what His plans are for us! I get stressed from time to time with all the decisions I need to make...Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most indecisive person anyone could ever meet. So needless to say - decision making is not my forte. Thank goodness I am not a man, I could never be a leader in a marriage; that is why I am soooo thankful that Jeremy is one heck of a Godly leader :)

I hope everyone has an AMAZING and blessed week!

xo Caroline