
God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, His verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness nothing gets lost; Not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Painted skies. I've seen so many that cannot compare to your ocean eyes.

- Future Hub's laugh when something is really funny.
- Sleeping in on a rainy day.
- Hearing Future Hub say "I love you."
- Dance parties with the best friend.
- Hearing a baby laugh.
- Getting long hugs from Future Hub after long absences (or even short ones!).
- Wedding plans getting set in stone.
- Hearing young kids pray.
- Friends who love you no matter what you do or say.
- Listening to Christmas music in June.
- Finishing something that has taken you forever to do.
- Grapefruits.
- The sight of people worshiping our Father = complete beauty.
- Waking up to a sweet text each morning from Future Hub.

So blessed to be blessed with all these awesome people and things ; )

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmastime is HERE!

It's finally here! My favorite time of the year - Christmastime! I love all the cold weather, all the shopping, and the movies that come on TV. I love getting to spend time with my family and friends. And last but definitely not least, I love that SCHOOL IS OUT for a month! I am so excited and so blessed to spend this time with all my good friends, my family, and my wonderful fiance. The other night Jeremy and I watched The Grinch with Jim Carrey! One of my all time favorites :)

This Christmas Eve, Jeremy and I will be spending the morning with his side of the family in Griffin, GA. After brunch and presents, we will be driving back up to the Von Stein's for the rest of the day! I am so excited! My side of the family is doing a white elephant gift exchange for the first time - should be very interesting!

This previous semester of school was my last semester until next Fall of 2011. I am going to be working a lot to build up Jeremy and I's savings account. I am then going back to school for Cosmetology! I am so excited! I finally know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm so thankful to have Jeremy who is so encouraging in this also :)

Jeremy and I had our engagement party on December 12th. It was a blast! A bunch of wonderful people showed up and helped us both celebrate this beautiful time in our life together so far. We had a whole bunch of food, bonfire, and games. It was great to spend this time with the people who have been such an encouragement in both Jeremy and I's life!
Jeremy and I have our engagement picture shoot on Sunday, the 19th! We are both so excited, we already have our outfits all picked out :) So many things are finally getting finalized with the wedding plans and all. We put down a deposit for Hillside United Methodist Church in Woodstock yesterday - it is beautiful! The sanctuary has beautiful stain glass, a wide center isle, and allows dancing! Dancing is a must :)

This is basically just a fill in of life lately :) God is so faithful to me - so blessed.